What does it mean to network using social media?
Networking using social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter means to connect with people and build your own professional or personal relationships. This includes reaching out to potential clients, networking with other professionals in your industry, or connecting with friends and family. It is important to use social media to network because it allows people to connect and build relationships with others in a convenient way. It can also help to expand your professional or personal network, which can lead to new opportunities for career growth, business development, or personal connections.
How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?
People are motivated to participate in networked publics, like social media, because it offers a way to connect with others, socialize, share information, and be a part of a community. We are also motivated to participate in networked publics to stay informed, to express themselves, to promote their work or business, or to have a sense of belonging. Additionally, rewards such as likes, shares and followers can also act as motivators to participate in networked publics. My motivators to using these social medias is mainly to connect with my friends and family. I am also motivated to use socials medias much as linked because I have learned of the benefits of it, and want to build my network for future opportunities.
What are the risks & rewards of public communications?
While there are certainly potential risks associated with public communications, there are also numerous benefits. For instance, when a company seeks to hire a new employee, they can easily post the job on a social media platform such as Indeed or LinkedIn, and quickly fill the position. However, this ease of access also presents a challenge in finding the right candidate, as many job seekers now rely solely on online platforms and may not be as proactive in seeking out in-person opportunities. Other benefits of public communications is the ability to network and meet new people. I can defiantly relate and say that having these platforms has helped me meet so many new people. one big risk associated with the use of public communications is privacy. it is very common that your information to be used and sold on the internet to be used ‘again you’. for example, when your browsing the internet, the cookies on your computer are collecting data, what you watch, things your interested in, your location, schedule, friends… etc. This information is then used to cater to your interests in ads, posts and more. On one end this is helpful, but it’s also a breach of your privacy which bothers most people.